Our passion

We partner with product owners and founders by developing cloud-native products

Cloud Services & DevOps

Jamakase Technologies specialists possess deep knowledge and extensive experience with cloud services.

Shorten time to develop and launch new solutions, modernize legacy technology or test and deploy prototypes with IaaS-based applications on Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud. Choosing the appropriate infrastructure for a digital project is just as important as development. That’s why we bend over backwards to offer scalable and secure solutions.

Software Development

We bring front-end, back-end and architecture ability together to deliver on your business need and maximize delivery speed.

Need webapp, custom backend system or API? Our team specializes both in Frontend and Backend development. We create webapps that are both beautiful and lightning-fast. We bring front-end, back-end and architecture ability together to deliver on your business need and maximize delivery speed.

Our Customers

We build software that boosts productivity for businesses and simplifies customers’ lives. Our products are carefully designed for the end user and brought to life with elegantly written code.

What people say about us

Jonathan Benassaya
Senior Director of Product Management "Meta"
ex Co-Founder Deezer
Over the course of many years, I have had the privilege of collaborating with Artem and his skilled team on numerous projects. Their expertise spans a wide range of domains, including web applications, mobile applications (both native and cross-platform frameworks), and beyond – no challenge seems insurmountable for them. Artem possesses an exceptional ability to listen attentively and engage in thorough discussions with my teams, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of all requirements. Subsequently, he seamlessly coordinates with his team to deliver work of the highest quality standards. Artem's resourcefulness is truly remarkable, enabling him to assemble project teams swiftly while maintaining consistent excellence. Despite potential time zone differences, communication has always been seamless and efficient. Needless to say, our partnership with Artem and his team will undoubtedly continue to thrive for years to come.
John Lafleur
COO, Airbyte
They had incredible responsiveness, a great understanding of what we want to do, and great autonomy.
Andrew Bondarenko
Founder & CEO, Oculisa
I'm impressed by their ability to meet those changes on very short notice while keeping with deadlines.

Get in touch

Feel free to ask us any questions by email sales@jamakase.com or you can type in form and we will contact you within one business day.